3D Printing
3D Printing is also known as additive manufacturing. It is a prototyping process whereby an real object is created from a 3D design. The digital 3D model is saved
as .STL format and then sent to a 3D printer. The 3D printer prints the design layer by layer and forms a real object.
The first of its kind, RPT Workshop conducted by us will cover all the basic knowledge as well as in-depth technologies. Since RPT is rapidly developing
in India, it's necessary for students as well as teaching professionals to update their knowledge in 3D Printing Technology.
3D Printer
"The Machine that Will Change the World"
"Future Machine for Every Home in 2020"
3D Printing Services
Design -> Upload -> Print -> Delivery
3D Print Everything
Precise, Customized and Sharp prints at Rs. 5 per minute
3D Printer Types
Domestic 3D Printers
Affordable, Easy to Use and Perfect for Beginners
Intermediate 3D Printers
Performance Driven and Ideal for most Small Businesses
Professional 3D Printers
Powerful, Best-in-Class 3D Printers
3D Printing Materials
Resin, High Detail Resin
Flexible, Nylon
Metal Composite
Aluminium, Bronze, Copper
Brass, Gold
Mail us your CAD designs to 3dmakersmail@gmail.com
#174E, 2nd Floor, North Veli Street,
Opposite to Canara Bank,
Next Alagendran Automobiles Unit-1,
Simmakkal, Madurai - 625 001.
Phone :+91-99427 81728
IT Office:
#24, 2nd Floor, V.J.R. Towers,
T.P.K. Main Road,
Vasantha Nagar,
Madurai - 625 003.
Phone :+91-73051 51811
Contact Us